Group-Relations-style programs and Tavistock-modeled adaptations have been developed by a number of colleges, universities, and other types of providers. These programs offer a range of experiential-learning opportunities in the form of courses, workshops, training, and the practical applications of Group Relations theory. Below is a partial list of universities that teach some aspect of Group Relations and also sponsor group relations conferences where noted. While we have had varying degrees of direct experience with the programs listed, we offer them as additional points of access into Group relations work. Where we have been provided with the information, we have included a brief description of individual programs and, when available, included contact information. To request more information – or to add a program to this list - contact [email protected].
Boston College, Boston, MA – Courses and Conferences
California State University, Dominguez Hills – Courses and Conferences
Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD – Courses and Conferences
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL – Courses and Conferences
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL – Courses (through the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies)
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY – Courses and Conferences
University of San Diego, San Diego, CA – Courses and Conferences